i was restablishing my itunes on my new laptop the other day and fell across my beloved gym class heroes albums. i relished in the awesome album cover art and my concert ticket stubs that i always slip into the back of the cd case for a decent amount of time before deciding it was time to do one of my estranged early high school "rock outs" in my room. mid heavy head nod and slight air guitar i accidently clicked the shuffle button on my itunes and, lo and behold, was revisited by one of my first favorite spoken word pieces, the "sloppy love jingle" series off of the "as cruel as school children" album. if you haven't heard it i suggest you do, it's simple but clever, entertaining and has a nice flow to it. as i'm seriously contemplating some of the great lines in the series i think about several things i've seen recurring all around me lately. first i thought of my four year long(?) infatuation with gym class heroes' lead singer/rapper travis mccoy and my extensive bad-decision loves and crushes record. so who made the cut back in my middle and high school days besides this rocking rapper with a slight drug addiction and tattoo fetish? take a look at a select few:
+ travis mccoy - gotta love those halvesies, slight unibrow & all
+ benny "the jet" rodriguez - my first latino
+ eric from boy meets world - dumb cute
+ a bone thug in harmony - couldn't tell ya which one
+ the lead singer of incubus - plugs
+ jeff hardy - plugs, tattoos, fish nets & neon hair
+ eye patch guy from immature - caca twists
+ the middle lawrence brother - whooa.
+ lil' fizz - caca twists jr.
+ marcus from smart guy - the start of my dark skinned epidemic
+ marlon wayans - shawn was always too pretty for me
+ that white boy from the first cheetah girls movie
actually, that last one still stands - kyle schmid can still get it. but yeah, you should get the picture by now. i guess i've always been attracted to the "something's slightly off" kind of guy but hey, what can i say, i'm addicted to "interesting."
now, my second point: naive lovesickness is downright sickening. one of the things i love about the "sloppy love jingle" series is that its very real in its description of attraction, i mean, it is a raw tale about a drunken fling. but what's so great to me about this piece is that it was written to sound like a love poem, some of the lines are pure poetic passion on the page. that's where it all comes together for me: the title says it all - "sloppy love." just like my unconventional crushes mentioned above, those "soft-spoken, heart-broken fellas like themselves, you better believe, the type to wear their hearts on their sleeves" who, upon first sight wouldn't seem to be the cookie cutter match for a simple pretty girl like myself (-eyelash flutter-) love is meant to be messy - NOT MUSHY, PEOPLE - messy. there's a difference. seeing all of these facebook statuses, hearing all of these stories, being forced to listen to other peoples' conversations on public transportation for lack on an ipod, and hell, living it myself really makes me realize that people are mushing the shit out of love. with "mush" you continually beat at something in the same way repeatedly, nothing changes, everyone involved is pretty much stagnant in their actions, so what is the result? it's the same crap you had before with a slightly different texture. but a mess? oh the wonders of a mess. a mess has different colors, different textures, you continually pile on new shit and rework the whole thing, it's constantly a mess but hey, it's changing. i swear, if i hear one more corny ass dude tell one of his boys that winter is "cuffing season" and they have to find girls to cuddle up with, or if i hear of one more chick who is naively chasing after some undeserving male because she "loved" him so much throughout their 5 month relationship (-"c'mon son" face-) i might just flip a shit. but i'm going to keep telling myself not to worry because i know there's some hope out there.
i remember conversing with a friend some time ago and upon being asked a question about it he told me that he didn't have a "type," there was nothing that he "looked for" in women and that he wasn't trying to "find" anyone. "when it's time we'll randomly bump into each other somewhere and that's when i'll know exactly who 'she' is." it was a beautiful statement to make. there's no "finding" in love, there's no chasing, no competition and no comparisons and there should definitely be no doubts or questions at the root of it all. love is deeply embedded in our innermost intuition - every sexy claw on your back won't scrape it out, no shiny necklaces will illuminate a path for you and every fluttering butterfly wing in your stomach isn't puppeteer'd by a heart string - you have other organs ya know, and whether its your mind or that junk up in yo' trunks, they will sometimes lead you astray. but there's nothing wrong with that, mistakes are made so that they can be learned from. so before you get all giddy about canoodling with a certain anyone by the fire with your hot coacoa and grandma-patched quilts ask yourself if they're there because you want really want them to be or because they're what's "in" this season.
happy "cuffing" my friends. as for me, well.. assuming that this planet rotates, i'll just procrastinate until the day i bump into my soul mate.
I'm in love with this, I mean granted I was looking for your blog, I'm still so much in love. This is amazing!